Find the session(s) you would like to book on the ‘Start Learning’ listing page or from a seller’s product listing page.

  1. On the product listing you want to purchase, click “Add to basket”

  2. Head to your shopping cart by clicking on the bag logo in the right hand corner of the site

  3. If you have a discount coupon you wish to redeem, you can add this by clicking on the link to enter your code above the ‘Billing Details’ section

  4. Fill out your billing details, and check the box agreeing to the website terms and conditions in the box on the right hand side of the page

  5. Choose your payment method (see below) 

For PayPal:

  1. Click ‘Pay with PayPal’ (make sure you have pop ups enabled), and log in to your account

  2. Check your details are correct and click “Pay Now”

For card payments:

  1. Select the logo for the card company you wish to use (make sure you have pop ups enabled)

  2. Fill out your card details, create an account for PayPal and click “Agree and Continue” to complete the payment